Hearing Amplifiers vs. Hearing Aids

Hearing Amplifiers vs. Hearing Aids

Anybody who has any difficulty with hearing has probably wondered this at one point or another: ‘Hearing aids vs. hearing amplifiers: Which one should I choose?’ It’s a common question among those who don’t hear as well as they would like to. When your hearing isn’t what it used to be, it’s easy to miss important parts of conversations, have difficulty hearing in a crowd, or even miss phone calls when your cell phone ringer is on. Thankfully, there are products available that may help you to hear these sounds and others as well as you used to.

Read on to learn the differences between hearing aids and hearing amplifiers, considering the pros and cons of each. For personalized advice for your unique situation, please contact our friendly and professional team at Tweak Hearing today.

Hearing Aids vs. Hearing Amplifiers: The Pros and Cons

Hearing aids and amplifiers can both help to improve people’s quality of life. By enabling them to hear better than without assistance, people who have difficulty hearing are able to engage in conversation more easily and have a better connection with their loved ones. However, hearing aids and hearing amplifiers are different products that are aimed to help different people.

Hearing Aids

Hearing aids require an audiological evaluation and a prescription, unlike hearing amplifiers. You can think of hearing aids like glasses— They’re made just for you and your unique senses. Hearing aids are class 1 medical devices, as categorized by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Hearing Aid Pros

  • FDA-regulated class 1 medical device
  • Produce natural sound
  • Personalized due to unique prescription
  • Settings for different hearing environments
  • Can connect to smart devices such as cell phones and TVs
  • May alleviate tinnitus
  • Restores hearing ability which may aid in reducing depression
  • Includes input from an audiologist

Hearing Aid Cons

  • Much more expensive than hearing amplifiers
  • Rarely covered by health insurance
  • Some hearing aids use non-rechargeable batteries, which can be difficult to handle and replace

Hearing Amplifiers

Hearing amplifiers, also known as personal sound amplification products (PSAPs), do not require a prescription or an audiological evaluation. They are not classed as medical devices, though they come with their own set of benefits that may make them a good option for you.

Hearing Amplifier Pros

  • Cheaper than hearing aids
  • Don’t require visits to an audiologist
  • Easy to purchase and use
  • Amplifies faraway sounds

Hearing Amplifier Cons

  • Not FDA-regulated
  • Can’t distinguish between pitch or sound frequencies
  • Not intended to improve hearing loss
  • Can damage ears and further reduce hearing if used incorrectly

Hearing Aids vs. Hearing Amplifiers: Which One Is Best For Me?

Reducing isolation with the assistance of a hearing device can make all the difference to your quality of life. When it comes to hearing aids vs. hearing amplifiers, the choice will likely depend on several factors.

  • Price
  • Prescription
  • Level of hearing loss
  • Battery life
  • Compatibility with your smart devices and/or Bluetooth
  • The purpose you intend to use them for

There are many different types of both hearing aids and hearing amplifiers available, and each product differs in what it can offer, even within the same brand.

Hearing Amplifiers: Which Product Should I Choose?

When you’re looking for a hearing amplifier, there are a lot of products on the market to choose from. The Tweak® Hearing range of hearing amplifiers have all been designed by audiologist Dr. Daniel Schumaier, who has over 50 years of experience in the industry. As a result, the Tweak range offers customizable, self-adjustable hearing amplifiers that are easy to access and use.

Popular options include:

  • The Tweak— our easiest and most affordable option, available in champagne and graphite
  • The Tweak Focus+T— our most popular option, available as a single or pair and allows you to select from four different ‘fitting profiles’
  • The Tweak ReFocus— our rechargeable hearing option, with five different ‘fitting profiles’
  • The Tweak Enhance— our most sophisticated solution, available as a single device or pair with four listening modes including conversation, restaurant, traffic, and outdoor

Looking For Hearing Amplifiers?

If you’re in need of a hearing amplifier, Tweak Hearing is here to help. At Tweak we have a wide range of hearing amplifier products to suit all types of people, allowing people to hear clearer and more easily. To experience the Tweak difference with our range of hearing amplifiers, contact us at Tweak Hearing today.

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