Our OTC Hearing Aid Tube Maintenance Advice

OTC hearing aid tube maintenance advice

OTC hearing aid maintenance is a crucial aspect of keeping your hearing aids working as well as possible for as long as possible. Knowing when to replace hearing aid tubes, how long they typically last, and why it’s so important to change them may make all the difference in how you hear the world around you. By keeping yourself informed about proactive maintenance practices, your devices may last even longer than you may have thought!

This article explains all you need to know about OTC hearing aid maintenance. For personalized advice, contact our team at Tweak Hearing today.

How Long Do Hearing Aid Tubes Last?

When you get your hearing aids fitted, there’s a lot of information to take in! If you’re due for a refresher course on your hearing aid tubes, here’s the rundown.

The length of time hearing aid tubes last depends on the style of hearing aid and how often and how well you maintain them. Generally speaking, hearing aid tubes should be replaced approximately every four to six months. Additionally, domes should be replaced every two to three months, while wax filters should be replaced every four weeks.

How to Know When to Replace Hearing Aid Tubes

As hearing aid tubes tend to last about six months for most people, after this time, you may notice some issues such as:

  • The hearing aid not fitting your ear properly
  • Decreased sound quality
  • Difficulty removing the tubes from the hearing aids

When you experience one or more of these issues, it’s time to replace your current hearing aid tubes with new ones.

How to Maintain OTC Hearing Aids

Maintaining your OTC hearing aid tubes is crucial to caring for your devices. How to maintain them will depend on the style of hearing aid you have, so ensure you follow the specific instructions for your devices.

As a general guide on how to maintain your OTC hearing aid tubes, you can follow these steps:

1. Clean Them Regularly

Clean your hearing aid tubes according to their instructions using the wax removal tool provided. This aims to prevent blockages and keep sounds clear.

2. Inspect for Damage

Whenever you take your hearing aids out, visually inspect the tubes for any cracks or other damage. If you notice any issues, including having difficulty removing them, it may be time to replace them.

3. Avoid Moisture

Moisture is one of the biggest problems for hearing aids, as it can damage the components, including the tubes. Make sure you don’t wear your hearing aids in the shower, bath, pool, or sauna to avoid moisture accumulating.

4. Handle Them Gently

Hearing aids and their tubes are delicate instruments! Ensure you handle them with care and avoid bending or twisting the tubes.

How to Change Hearing Aid Tubes

As with their maintenance, how to change your hearing aid tubes will depend on their type. Whether you’re inspecting, maintaining, or changing them, refer to the instructions for your type. Regardless of the type of hearing aid or tube, always wash and dry your hands thoroughly before beginning!

General guidelines for changing hearing aid tubes involve gathering the necessary supplies, such as replacement tubes, a wax removal tool, and a clean cloth. Gently remove the tubes from their devices by unscrewing or gently twisting them.

Then, use the wax removal tool to clean the hearing aid, particularly where the tube connects. Attach the new tube by sliding it into place or screwing it according to the directions. Ensure they’re securely in place and fit snugly, with no gaps or loose connections.

Finally, perform a sound check by listening for distortions or unusual noises. This aims to ensure they’re working correctly and ready to help you hear as well as possible.

Protect Your Investment

Hearing aids are a crucial investment in your hearing health and overall quality of life. Now that you’ve made the investment, ensure you keep them in great shape! By following our guidelines for replacing and maintaining your OTC hearing aid tubes, you’re well on your way to preserving your valuable investment.


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